Shareon “Bhare” Blenman is a multidisciplinary artist based in Charlotte, North Carolina. Born in 1998 to Barbadian immigrant parents.

I constantly draw inspiration from my personal journals, embedding my artworks with reflections of my own growth and the intimate intricacies of home life. Through a series of fantastical paintings, I offer a kind of diagnosis—depictions of ordinary life layered with color and line, guiding the viewer through the highs and lows of daily existence. Much of my work is steeped in symbolism, representing an ever-evolving spectrum of emotions through bold geometric shapes, figures, and expressive free writing.


Onchain History

February 18, 2025 3:55 PM

home is where the heart is, i guess.

Creation Date:


Creator Wallet:






January 28, 2025 8:35 PM

I envision the inner-workings of my body as a jigsaw puzzle, a maze of fragmented pieces. Many that don't fit together, unless positioned in its designated place. I've given pieces away, I've taken some for myself, and had some confiscated from me. All to end up losing this little body of mine. Though to whom do they belong? To the flickering light behind my eyes or to the one who could sign me a check. Amidst the rubble of my fractured identity, I live inside myself, gluing together this jigsaw, despite losing this little body of mine.

Creation Date:


Creator Wallet:






January 28, 2025 8:27 PM

Folktales, a series of twelve paintings balances a melody of folktales, myths, legends and personal experiences of the artist. as a first-generation twenty-something American, reflecting on one's own cultural heritage is paramount in understanding our sense of self. The stories presented are not merely illustrative; they are loosely woven into the fabric of painting, serving as a foundation that reflects the artist. these paintings invite viewers to explore the artist’s looming themes of identity, belonging and intergenerational dialogue that shapes his everyday.

Creation Date:


Creator Wallet:






January 28, 2025 6:01 PM

Attested to


"Under the blinking warm bulb rests a quaint little bed on a small broken frame. Struggling to peel my legs from the sheets my body tumbles Onto the shag carpet, full of dust and ruby hair. One foot in front of the other we drag 140 pounds down the stairs, across scratched laminate, to a fridge, decorated with fingerprints reaching to the back for week-old leftovers." In this solo presentation, ideas once left behind take center stage. Through this series of battle-worn paintings, Bhare sifts through the good, the bad, and the ugly—depictions of ordinary life layered with color and line, emotions at their peak of instability, and things better left unsaid. He reflects on whether he has discovered a deeper well while growing as an artist or if his past ideas will outshine anything he could create in the future. The remnants of his emotions run cold, but with the right care, they could be warmed into something great.

Cold Leftovers

Start date:


End date:






Colonna Contemporary, Wayne, PA

January 27, 2025 2:46 PM

Attested to


some of you may have noticed the pinned artwork has changed. one has been minted on an erc-7160 doppelgänger which allows the physical and the digital twin to be pinned interchangeably. all of the remaining works in the collection will follow suit.

January 16, 2025 2:34 PM

Attested to


Proof of Exhibition

ExhibitionLocationStart-end DateExhibitorOwnerProvenance
Cold Leftovers
Colonna Contemporary, Wayne, PA
1/9/2025 - 2/6/20250x4D...1437
2/8/2024 - 2/15/20240x4d...14370x4d...1437
Building a Happier Home: A Solo Exhibition by Bhare
Colonna Contemporary, Wayne PA
1/12/2024 - 1/29/20240x65...bb930x4d...1437
Building a Happier Home: A Solo Exhibition by Bhare
Colonna Contemporary, Wayne PA
1/12/2024 - 1/29/20240x65...bb930x4d...1437
Building a Happier Home: A Solo Exhibition by Bhare
Colonna Contemporary, Wayne PA
1/12/2024 - 1/29/2024 0x6...bb930x4d...1437
Building a Happier Home: A Solo Exhibition by Bhare
Colonna Contemporary, Wayne PA
1/12/2024 - 1/29/20240x65...bb930x4d...1437
Building a Happier Home: A Solo Exhibition by Bhare
Colonna Contemporary, Wayne PA
1/12/2024 - 1/29/20240x65...bb930x4d...1437
Building a Happier Home: A Solo Exhibition by Bhare
Colonna Contemporary, Wayne PA
1/12/2024 - 1/29/20240x65...bb930x4d...1437
Building a Happier Home: A Solo Exhibition by Bhare
Colonna Contemporary, Wayne PA
1/12/2024 - 1/29/20240x65...bb930x4d...1437
Building a Happier Home: A Solo Exhibition by Bhare
Colonna Contemporary, Wayne PA
1/12/2024 - 1/29/20240x65...bb930x4d...1437
Building a Happier Home: A Solo Exhibition by Bhare
Colonna Contemporary, Wayne PA
1/12/2024 - 1/29/20240x65...bb930x4d...1437
Building a Happier Home: A Solo Exhibition by Bhare
Colonna Contemporary, Wayne PA
1/12/2024 - 1/29/20240x65...bb930x4d...1437
Building a Happier Home: A Solo Exhibition by Bhare
Colonna Contemporary, Wayne PA
1/12/2024 - 1/29/20240x65...bb930x4d...1437
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