022a - Arsen Arzumanyan - "Church of the 21st Century" - 1 of 1
@arsen__design "Church of the 21st Century" by Arsen Arzumanyan SPECIAL DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT - ONE WEEK FROM THE END OF THIS AUCTION, THE WINNER WILL BE SENT A PRIVATE VR EXPERIENCE OF THIS HELLSCAPE- THIS WILL REQUIRE: a powerful PC with a later generation high 20 series or 30 series RTX card and of course, goggles. Description: Church of the 21st Century was partially brought upon current events, but unfortunately they are not too different then past events. Specifically the Turkish invasion of Karabakh and Saudi Invasion of Yemen, with the help of our taxpayer funded weapons that we sell to everyone with enough cash. That seems to be the only thing that is important, I used to work near Northrop Grumman and sometimes ate food in there cafeteria, and to think the weapons designed by the people I stood next to buying snapples, are now, in the case of Karabagh, are now used to try to kill my own relatives. The connection is quite surreal, but the reality is even more surreal. Bio: Working last 12 years as a Sequence Designer on films and commercials. My biggest passions are history and mythology, and those 2 things quite often can be seen in my work. All humans have rituals and ceremonies, I try to create something that would play the same to anyone no matter what culture or time they were from. Equally odd to everyone. Past credits include: Ready Player One, Lego Batman, Hunger Games, and 2015s two knock out hits, Fantastic Four and Pixels, needless to say I left working in film, I felt after Adam Sandlers Pixels I had reached the pinnacle of my career.
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0xd3...d0D0 | 3.20775 WETH |
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