Permanent. Verified.


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Browse Lore Profiles

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Onchain Collections

Onchain Collections

Immutable collection records signed and verified by artists, establishing permanent onchain provenance.

Artist Profiles

Artist Profiles

Artist portfolios with verified collections and attestations across their work.

Events and Exhibitions

Events and Exhibitions

Current and past exhibitions, IRL gallery shows, and digital art events worldwide.

NFT Profiles

NFT Profiles

A complete history of an NFT's lore and provenance records.

Recently Archived

Step into the Masquerade

Step into the Masquerade

The Masquerade is not just an artwork. It’s a dialogue, a puzzle, a gathering of meaning in real time.

Atomic Lore is archiving every piece of the conversation, ensuring the full story remains accessible long after the masks are removed. Art, community-building, and modern exegesis come together to elevate the choices, connections, and true nature revealed through others’ collision with Sam Spratt’s work and world.

Record Your Art’s Evolution

Create a comprehensive, verifiable history of your artwork's impact and evolution

Exhibition Records

Create a comprehensive, verifiable history of your artwork's impact and evolution

Multi-Party Verification

Get signatures from curators, galleries, and institutions

Exhibition Details

Record dates, locations, and visitor metrics

Venue Authentication

Verified gallery and museum profiles

© 2024 Atomic Form